For better understanding:. You need to stake 4000 to 49,999 Cardence Token to qualify for PUBLIC SALE.

16 Apr 2022, 19:29
For better understanding: You need to stake 4000 to 49,999 Cardence Token to qualify for PUBLIC SALE. You need to STAKE at least 50,000 Cardence tokens to qualify for PRIVATE SALES.(that is iclub membership) The cardence platform will automatically calculate the number of the given IDO tokens you're eligible to claim(buy at the project's set price) based on the mathematical formula. This depends on the following factors: 1:. The lock-period you stake your coins. If you stake for 30 days, your allocation will be lower than 60days stakers, if you choose 90days stake period your allocation will be lower than 180days stakers (this is the highest staking duration. 30, 60, 90 and 180 days staking duration. 2:. The amount of CRDN you sake(more amount more eligible allocation) 3:. The number Stakers per total allocation 4:. The amount of tokens allocated for the IDO from the project. These eligible allocation are to be bought by you (its not free of charge😁). So you have a maximum numbers of hours or days to buy your eligible allocation, if not claimed(bought) within this period, the platform will automatically collect all the unclaimed(unpaid tokens) and sell to public at first-come first-serve method( this also has a limited time frame). The next is to wait for that given token to be listed on exchange and you start enjoying the benefits of investing in Cardence😁. Hope its well understood. Feel free to ask any questions.