We agree on most of your points.

13 Jan 2023, 17:52
We agree on most of your points. There have numerous restructuring of team due to people of our team grasping new opportunities. In terms of business model, Launchpad as a business is dissolving badly except few who maintained discipline and had their team together and managed to have a good backing. During these period of silence, we interacted with various Cardano projects but all these projects either have no interest or prefer ISPO over IDO. We wanted to manoeuvre ISPO but due to lack of manpower and funds are unable to do so. People who are constantly saying we invested X or Y or Z, please understand that it is going into liquidity pools and and not in our pockets, we don't sell tokens. Our source of income were fees that we charged from projects that did IDOs with us and that has not quite happened since last year. For funds we need community who can invest in projects and for building community we need funds, we are in kind of deadlock state. We are more worried than the community regarding the state of this project, we have our blood and sweat involved in it. We cannot promise anything for the future of Cardence but still have optimism and will look at where and how fundraising as a business evolves in order to grasp the opportunity.